Marking World Wildlife Day

To mark World Wildlife Day (March 3rd 2024), we thought you might like to know a little bit more about the work we do here at Attyflin Estate to nurture nature, and the reason why we’ve become home to a whole host of creatures, great and small.

20 years ago, Attyflin – a 15th century Estate with over 500 years of rich history – was purchased by the O’Connell family, who recognised that this special site was ready for a new journey and brimming with potential.

What has followed over the last two decades has seen the historic 250-acre demesne undergo a journey of transformation, fused with nature’s resilience, and the management & staff’s vision, purposeful planning, and nurturing.

To encourage wildlife to return to the Estate, we’ve planted over 40,000 trees, creating a temperate rainforest of indigenous trees including oak, beech, lime, chestnut, and ash, to enhance the woodlands and park fields.

We’ve also introduced wildflower meadows and ponds to boost biodiversity, establishing an ecosystem where our native flora and fauna can thrive. Where pollinators have access to the wild flowers we plant, feeding the honey bees which live in the hives on our lands. Where birds sing aloud. And, where foxes, hares, rabbits, and pheasants roam free, safe from hunting or shooting.

It goes without saying that the reason we’re blessed with such a tasty and nutritious crop of apples and other fruits each year is because of the haven we’ve helped create – a harmonious blend of wildlife combined with farming aligned to nature’s cycles, and our own sustainable values and business practices.

We’re acutely aware of just how fragile the world is right now and the scale of the problems globally, so in our little corner of Co. Limerick, we’ll continue to do whatever we can to make a positive impact on the environment around us. Because let’s face it, without the bees and our other furry friends, where would we all be?!